Marea is a Senior Advisor to OPDC, supporting the team with programme design and leadership trends.

She is a global Organisation, Leadership and Talent Development (OD/LTD) Consultant, with 20+ years expertise supporting organisations and people through growth and change. Marea has enjoyed positions as regional and global head, building affiliates and OD/LTD functions from scratch, or transforming them to meet ambitious business goals. She has also worked as a Principal OD and Leadership consultant for top ranking consultancies, including OPDC.

Marea has lived in 9 countries (UAE, UK, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium) and has worked extensively in many more (including Africa, India, KSA, APAC…). She has deep cultural competence, and fluency in English, French, Spanish with rusty Italian.

Marea’s current focus is on: Future of Work (talent marketplace / skills-based organisations), data-driven decision making, the interplay between wellness and performance (individual and org level), team and systemic coaching and agile change management.