OPDC | Management Consultancy, Development and Training for Individuals and Organisations.

Making leaders and their teams more effective and more successful

Through the leadership development work, their facilitation of our annual business leaders’ conferences and their work with the Executive Team, OPDC touch every level of our business and deliver measurable impact.
Chairman, International Defence Contractor
FTSE 250 Company
We give your business leaders and managers the awareness, skills and confidence they need to super charge their effectiveness as leaders of high-performance teams.
Read about the DNA of our award-winning leadership development programmes here:

“Individually, every participant stated this was the best leadership training they have had in their careers”
Business Leaders
We help your business grow, increase efficiency and improve the performance of your people by unlocking greater effectiveness from your leaders and teams.
Read about the challenges to success we help leaders and teams overcome here:

“OPDC look at the bigger picture, designing interventions that add value and drive business growth”

Read about the ROI businesses have achieved from our programmes

Our Services

Business Performance breakthroughs for leaders and teams

Facilitation for senior and operational teams to align thinking, create plans and resolve problems.

Award-winning Leadership Development Programmes that nurture talent

Our programmes build people leadership skills that achieve outstanding team performance.

Executive Coaching to overcome intransigent dilemmas and challenges

Our coaching approach enables leaders to explore their situation, find new ways forward and commit to action.

As just one example of how we've improved ROIs, from three projects run by the last MAD group, we generated significant revenue through the disposal of inventory and plant related to legacy products. This alone more than covered the costs of the programme for the 12 delegates.

Our Clients